Roots for the City, for tomorrow

  • Young plantations.

    Young plantations.

Need To boost reliability on your plantation?
The root anchoring of a young plantation determines its success in the medium and long term.

Guide root recovery with appropriate watering

Prepare the manager to take over: you have a tool for sharing information on the evaluation of plant root recovery.

Make your recovery observations more reliable: you can use indicators and quantitative data to prove the root growth of plants.

A step ahead against water stress

Prepare the manager to take over: thanks to the indicators, you can identify high-risk situations almost 14 days before the leaves wither.

Differentiated information in case of difficulty: when a risk for plantations is identified, a dedicated message allows you to be informed instantly.

Easy to use and functional guarantee

Prepare the manager to take over: you’ll receive weekly recommendations in the unit of your choice: millimeter, watering time per sector or as a percentage of a reference program.

The Urbasense team works with you : to ensure set up, maintenance and any repairs on our stations. Our packages include all communication costs for the sensors.

Martinus agens illas provincias pro praefectis aerumnas innocentium graviter gemens saepeque obsecrans, ut ab omni culpa inmunibus parceretur, cum non inpetraret, minabatur se discessurum: ut saltem id metuens perquisitor malivolus tandem desineret quieti coalitos homines in aperta pericula proiectare.

Understanding the service : some details

How long do you follow the new plantations?

For optimal results, the plantations are monitored from the year of completion until sufficient water autonomy is achieved. It is therefore necessary to ensure that the root system is sufficiently developed in depth and outside the root ball.
In practice, monitoring usually lasts between 2 and 3 years.Meaning the first year for completion and one to two years for strengthening, depending on the situation and nature of the plantations.

How are the recommended doses and watering frequencies calculated?

To establish our recommandations, we first rely on the state of development of the root system: roots contained within the root ball require a smaller volume of water than an active root system on the periphery. This is the estimate of the optimal dose of each watering.

For calculating frequency, we first estimate the number of days remaining before the plant enters into water stress. Then we take into account a series of criteria such as its water behaviour, the nature of the soil explored by the roots, the sensitivity of the planting pit to precipitation, or the meteorology to come.

This analysis is summarized and sent each week in a summary email recommending watering.

I already have a take-back guarantee on plantations: what is the point of an additional service?

Because the "take-back guarantee" ensures the replacement of a dead tree by a young tree... which has not taken up again!

At Urbasense, we believe that the best guarantees of a vigorous, resistant and inexpensive plant heritage in the medium and long term are the care and maintenance of the crop. These guarantees are generally provided for planting contracts or by the authorities.

Finally, the administrative tool of the "take-back guarantee" is by nature limited on time compared to the length of tree’s life.

Understanding the equipment : some details

What is the autonomy of your sensors?

It increases every month. Today, it is between 18 and 24 months. In concrete terms, we carry out an annual maintenance that includes a change of batteries.

How do your sensors comunicate?

Several telecommunications technologies are used depending on the availability of networks at each site: GSM, SigFox, LoRA. WiFi and BlueTooth are not used today, for practical and energy reasons.

Are your sensors guaranteed?

Yes, our sensors are guaranteed for the entire duration of the contract when they are rented (global functioning guarantee). They are guaranteed for two years when they are sold.

What is your perspective on the reliability of your sensors?

The first sensors developed at the end of 2014 are still operational in the field. More broadly, we assemble and test all our devices ourselves and we control this assembly line, which is a critical point for sensor reliability.

URBASENSE SARL au capital social de 30 000 €  -  25 rue du Maréchal Foch 78000 VERSAILLES  -  -  Siret N° : 810 940 601 00034

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